31 Books: Tables In The Wilderness (book #12)


tablesTables In The Wilderness

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Preston Yancey

(You can read more about him on his website and follow him on Twitter and Facebook!)

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What the book is about:

In Tables in the Wilderness, Preston Yancey arrived at Baylor University in the autumn of 2008 with his life figured out: he was Southern Baptist, conservative, had a beautiful girlfriend he would soon propose to, had spent the summer living in southeast Asia as a missionary, and planned to study political science. Then God slowly allowed Preston’s secure world to fall apart until every piece of what he thought was true was lost: his church, his life of study, his political leanings, his girlfriend, his best friend . . . and his God.
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Why I like it:

This is an important book for many of us to read, but as I read it, I couldn’t help but think of how much high school and college students need to read this story. It’s important, I think, especially for girls raised in the church- like Preston and myself- to read what happens when our faith is challenged and our God is quiet and it’s nothing we’ve experienced before. Everyone’s story is different, but reading Preston’s will encourage anyone in their own faith walk.

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Buy it here.

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