I got to see one of my very favorite musicians play last night at Cannery Ballroom here in Nashville – Ingrid Michaelson. I have been a big fan since about ten of us girls went and saw her play the Belcourt in 2010.
I had a moment of crisis last night when she was playing my song [ok, not MY song, but, you know, my song] – do I experience the moment or do I video it so I can hear it over and over again? [And, of course, I wanted you to get to see it too.]
I went video. You’re welcome.
Such a fun night… but my mind couldn’t help but rewind to March of 2010, the last time I saw Ingrid in concert. About ten of the gals loaded up and headed to the show in Knoxville. A handful of our guy friends were with this tour and so we just went into total groupie mode and drove to see the show… and honestly, to see them.
The night was perfect. The weather, the gals, seeing our boys, seeing the show. All of it.
Since that picture two years ago, three have gotten married, the two that were already married have had babies, and we have all lived and grown and stayed connected.
Only five of us made it to the show last night. But in the pitch black dark, we took a picture together.
Because Ingrid reminds us that we have history together.
When I moved to Nashville, one of the losses that I mourned so deeply was the loss of people knowing me and having “remember when” moments. And it took time to build those, but they are here. I’ve lived here almost four years now. And we are full of remember when’s.
Ingrid sang a lot from her new album last night, which I love. But it tugs at the deepest place of my heartstrings to hear her old stuff. It reminds me of a really beautiful and challenging relationship from 2010. I can hear our conversations between the lines of the songs from that old album, I can see the girls walking down the street in Knoxville, I can almost feel the tears from that season coming back.
History doesn’t always have to feel good to be appreciated. And last night was a reminder that the sweetest things in friendship are built by time.
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Do you find that to be true? What else builds friendships?
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This is an amazing cover by Ingrid. Enjoy.