I was going to title this blog post “the circle of life,” but then I wanted to make lots of jokes about you holding your babies in the air like Simba and I knew that this blog post would go off track something quick.
Settle in for a little story, my friends. Nothing finer for your Monday, I would say.
Two years ago (2009-2010 school year), one of my part-time jobs [I had eight.] was being a math tutor. I love math. I love it so so much. So I tutored these two brothers, one in 8th grade and one in 10th grade. I liked them. They liked me. We had a friendship thing going on, even when I made them crazy [or visa versa].
I remember the last day I drove away from their house. The boys were ready for finals [I hoped!] and the school year was over. I prayed for them. I prayed for school, but more than that, I prayed for them as men- that they would grow and be influenced to be men after God’s heart.
I didn’t see those boys again the next year (2010-2011 school year) mostly because they are smarty-pants, but also because I moved to Scotland.
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This December, when I returned home, I started volunteering at the college service at Cross Point. I quick made friends with some of the college students, including Connor and Keenan.
[Who, I will tell you, absolutely gave me permission to use their real names on the blog. Well, technically, Connor gave me permission for both of them. So Kennan’s probably going to sue. Shoot.]
These are some quality men, much like the rest of the Cross Point Downtown crowd.
As the weeks went by, we would chat and we became pals. I have a soft spot in my heart for ministry to high school/college boys but being that I’m a single gal, the opportunities are very limited. But I love on them the best I can in this life place.
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That is the back story. Here is where these worlds collide.
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I went to a basketball game of my high school tutor boys in February and who walks in? Connor and Keenan. I was thrilled, because, you know, it was a surprise and I like them so much.
Do you know why they were at that game?
Because they are Young Life leaders. To my tutor boys.
Do you get that? Are you amazed?
Here I am, watching these two college men invest in the lives of high school boys that I prayed for two years ago.
Who is this God and how does He do it?
It makes me put my hand to my chest and bow my head and breathe out slowly- the amazement I feel about how God answered my prayers for these boys with more boys that I know and trust. Of all the Young Life leaders, of all the students, of all the schools- it’s my boys who connected.
I’ve teared up over it multiple times this spring. I’ve prayed strings of thankful words, for the high school boys, for the college guys, for Young Life, for Cross Point.
The way God weaves together our lives is a miracle, isn’t it? Every time. Yesterday, one of the high school boys and I sat in the stands together and watched my Cross Point boys play college baseball. And tomorrow, as Keenan and Connor and I sit in the stands and cheer for our high school friend in his last baseball game, my heart will be full.
Because these friendships right here? This woven piece of story? It’s a miracle.
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What has God done to amaze you lately?
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Bonus Monday material: Connor cranked a GRAND SLAM yesterday. No kidding. Here’s the video.