So, as I mentioned yesterday, Danny Garmin got an immediate workout as he directed me successfully to my friends Jake and Melissa [at her parents’ house in Lawrenceville] ….. and their son SAM!! My mother is virtually in love with Sam, she begged to go to see him with me, so instead I took a bunch of pictures while she remained in Marietta. Danny and I needed to trek alone.Gracious, that’s a cute boy.
I got to visit Jake and Melissa a week or so before Sam was born in Charlotte, NC. I don’t even know if they know how important that weekend was to me. It was refuge. Sanctuary. Very necessary in that particular time in my life. So I was super-pumped to get the opportunity to see them because, well, because they are great friends to have. And with “risk” in my viewfinder [sorry no details yet], I wanted their wisdom and thoughts.
So we ate a DELICIOUS meal homemade by Mel’s mom (with some assistance from Jake and Mel), sat around and talked, took pictures…..and took some pre-crawl-but-I-really-want-to-move video……
and discussed many important life changing things, like blogging. And Microsoft Word 2007. And writing for money, which we all want to do. Their move to Prague. [Which you can help make happen by clicking HERE and donating- add them to your donation list in 08!! It’s a good idea.] And we laughed. A lot.
One of the advantages of blogging (which I personally find many), is that friends like these, who I don’t see often, can still remain very updated on my life and visa versa. We don’t spend the first 25 minutes catching each other up. We just dive in. I like that.
So a big thanks to Jake and Melissa and Sam for letting me come hang out. And a HUGE thanks to Melissa’s parents (and uncle) for hosting and cooking and cleaning up and making me feel quite at home. I had a blast. It was a joy to visit with you.