Just some internet bric-í -brac

First of all, thank you for your kind words this week and I’ve sludged through the fear of writing the next book.

Here’s proof that I’m really started. Really really.

Also, I hashtagged #book4 and Megan said “wait, I thought this was just book 3.” So let me clarify- I’ve written Perfectly Unique and Speak Love, but I also wrote What’s Your Mark?, so I consider those my first three books. The one I am currently working on is #4.

There are a few random tidbits around the world wide web that I wanted to make sure you saw, so here we go.

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First of all, the weather in Nashville has been pure spring beautiful this week. But today I fly to Minnesota to speak at a conference and it is SNOWING.


Mama no likey.

I mean, I like Minnesota and the people of Minnesota, but I am not excited to return to winter.

And then next weekend? GIRLS OF GRACE IN DALLAS! If you live anywhere near Dallas, pop back around here Monday because I’ve got tickets to give away! [I’ll also have tickets for Girls of Grace in San Antonio to give away… just so ya know.]

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A few weeks ago, I got to be a part of the QuarterLife Conference. All the content is now free online to view- so if you have just been DYING to hear my talk about relationships for 11ish minutes, allow me to make all your dreams come true with one click.


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I am reading some incredible books right now that I wanted to tell y’all about. First of all, Bread & Wine by Shauna Niequist. It’s full of beautiful essays and recipes and these words are so well written that it makes me tear up sometimes. I’m also just starting Freefall to Fly by Rebekah Lyons and it is amazing so far.

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Me thinks that’s all I’ve got for you. Pray for this weekend, won’t ya? Pray that God would encounter those Minnesota gals and they will never be the same.

How’s the weather in your neck of the woods?

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