If you knew that I had spent the last 55 minutes trying to pick a new template, would you still be my friend? Probably not, and I can’t blame you. Especially since, in the end, I came back to ole faithful here. Welcome to my life.
I have no idea where this blog is going today. Or why I picked this particular picture. It just felt right. I don’t have much to blog about, I’m just tired of seeing the last blog at the top and since I’m pretty sure that I myself am my most faithful reader, I figured I should write something. Don’t want to bore myself.
These statues are profound to me. I don’t know what the photographer thought, but I think it is a genius moment. I am that statue on the left. I am that statue on the right.
This week, well- since I got home from Texas, has been very interesting. I’m not going to give you all the crazy details, but I’m starting to see God’s purpose in all of this. I’m watching as He is revealing to me His faithfulness before I even needed it. He gave me direction in October (that I didn’t understand) and now I think I’m seeing why. Maybe. Probably just a glimpse of why. Does that even make sense? I feel like blogs are SO much better when the real story is told, with names and all, but now is not the time. But one of the people involved with all of this is definitely Annie Downs.
Trust me- I want to tell you everything. I want to say, “LOOK! Look at what He is doing for me! Look at how God knows me better than I know myself!”. But I tend to talk to much and too quickly. Which is why I’m grateful for the backspace key. And Molly and Haley. They remind me to shut up. Which is good.
When the whole overturned tables thing happened, one of my greatest prayers, and hopes that I clung to, was that in the end, people would see what God has done for me and they would worship HIM. I trust that He will draw people to Himself as we live our lives before people, risky as it is.
That is still my prayer. That is still to come. And I think there is more for me, for YOU, than we are even seeing. This isn’t just about me- this is about God displaying His glory for YOU to see. So that YOU will know that His heart is for YOU.
But I want you to know that the worship service has started in my heart. His LOVE has overwhelmed me.
Journals are very significant to me. And wouldn’t you know, I open my red journal up this weekend to write about what I *think* I see God doing, and I have one page left. Right when He begins to reveal the depths of His goodness to me, I get to start a new blue journal. On the cover is that symbol from Ghana. Yeah, He’s just that cool. This could get interesting.
And this is the scripture that is found on the last page of this VERY good red journal that I just filled to max capacity- it probably houses some of my deepest pain and my greatest fears, yet some of the kindest truths that God has ever shown me. I think my red journal is the word version of this photograph. That idea is settling deep in my heart. I think it is true. Can you believe that we all just realized at the same time why this photograph is perfect for this blog? Wow.
This scripture is thick. Too much goodness in five verses. Read and enjoy. And believe.
Psalm 145:15-20
The eyes of all look to You,
and You give them their food at the proper time.
You open Your hand
and satisfy the desires of every living thing.
The Lord is righteous in all His ways
and loving toward all He has made.
The Lord is near to all who call on Him,
to all who call on Him in truth.
He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him;
He hears their cry and saves them.
The Lord watches over all who LOVE Him.